Source code for

import rdkit
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import AllChem
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import time
from openeye import oechem

import openmm
from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule, Topology
from openff.toolkit.typing.engines.smirnoff import ForceField
from openff.toolkit.utils import get_data_file_path
from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import RDKitToolkitWrapper, AmberToolsToolkitWrapper
from openff.units import unit
from pandas import read_csv
import espaloma_charge as espcharge
from espaloma_charge.openff_wrapper import EspalomaChargeToolkitWrapper

from openff.interchange import Interchange
from openff.interchange.components._packmol import UNIT_CUBE, pack_box, _max_dist_between_points

from functools import reduce
from statistics import mean
from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import ExactMolWt
from openff.interchange import Interchange

#Build polymer - generic
[docs] def build_polymer(sequence, monomer_list, reaction, terminal='hydroxyl', chain_num=1): """ Constructs a polymer from a given sequence of monomers. Parameters ---------- sequence : str A string representing the sequence of monomers (e.g., 'ABAB'). monomer_list : list A list of SMILES strings representing the monomers. reaction : rdkit.Chem.rdChemReactions.ChemicalReaction An RDKit reaction object used to link monomers. terminal : str, optional The terminal group to be added to the polymer. Options are 'hydroxyl', 'carboxyl', or 'ester'. Default is 'hydroxyl'. chain_number : int, optional The number of polymer chains to construct. Default is 1. Input used for ensemble build. Returns ------- rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol The constructed polymer as an RDKit molecule object. """ from rdkit import RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog('rdApp.*') monomers = {} for x in sorted(list(set(sequence))): ind = sorted(list(set(sequence))).index(x) monomers[x] = monomer_list[ind] hits = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers[sequence[0]]).GetSubstructMatches(Chem.MolFromSmarts('I')) mw = Chem.RWMol(Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers[sequence[0]])) mw.ReplaceAtom(hits[0][0],Chem.Atom(17)) Chem.SanitizeMol(mw) mw.CommitBatchEdit() polymer = Chem.AddHs(mw) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[0] + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in polymer.GetAtoms()] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) for i in range(len(sequence))[1:]: if sequence[i] == 'A': A = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers['A']) A = Chem.AddHs(A) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + 'A' + str(i+1)) info.SetResidueNumber(i+1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in A.GetAtoms()] polymer = reaction.RunReactants((polymer, A))[0][0] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) elif sequence[i] == 'B': B = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers['B']) B = Chem.AddHs(B) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + 'B' + str(i+1)) info.SetResidueNumber(i+1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in B.GetAtoms()] polymer = reaction.RunReactants((polymer, B))[0][0] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) if terminal == 'hydroxyl': hydrogen = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[H]') info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[0] + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in hydrogen.GetAtoms()] polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('Cl'), hydrogen)[0] Chem.AddHs(polymer) elif terminal == 'carboxyl': carboxyl = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C(=O)[OH]') info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[0] + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in carboxyl.GetAtoms()] polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('Cl'), carboxyl)[0] elif terminal == 'ester': carbon = Chem.MolFromSmiles('C') info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[0] + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in carbon.GetAtoms()] polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('Cl'), carbon)[0] Chem.AddHs(polymer) polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('Cl'), Chem.MolFromSmiles('C'))[0] else: hydrogen = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[H]') info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[0] + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in hydrogen.GetAtoms()] polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('Cl'), hydrogen)[0] #remove any excess iodine hydrogen = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[H]') info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName(str(chain_num) + sequence[-1] + str(len(sequence))) info.SetResidueNumber(len(sequence)) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in hydrogen.GetAtoms()] polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('I'), hydrogen)[0] #remove any excess iodine Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) return polymer
[docs] def build_linear_copolymer(sequence, monomer_a_smiles, monomer_b_smiles, reaction=AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts('[C:1][HO:2].[HO:3][C:4]>>[C:1][O:2][C:4].[O:3]')): """ Constructs a linear co-polymer from the provided sequence of monomers. This function takes a sequence of monomers represented as 'A' and 'B', and the SMILES strings of two monomers. It constructs a co-polymer based on the sequence, using the provided reaction SMARTS for joining the monomers. The function returns the sanitized polymer and the percentage composition of each monomer in the polymer. Parameters ---------- sequence : str A string representing the sequence of monomers. 'A' represents monomer_a and 'B' represents monomer_b. monomer_a_smiles : str The SMILES string of monomer A. monomer_b_smiles : str The SMILES string of monomer B. reaction : rdkit.Chem.rdChemReactions.ChemicalReaction, optional The reaction SMARTS used for joining the monomers. Defaults to '[C:1][HO:2].[HO:3][C:4]>>[C:1][O:2][C:4].[O:3]', representing a condensation polymerisation. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the following elements: - sanitized_polymer (rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol): The constructed and sanitized polymer. - percentage_monomer_a (float): The percentage composition of monomer A in the polymer. - percentage_monomer_b (float): The percentage composition of monomer B in the polymer. """ # Initialize the polymer with an iodine blocker polymer = Chem.MolFromSmiles('OC(=O)I') A_count=0 B_count=0 A = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomer_a_smiles) B = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomer_b_smiles) # Build the polymer based on the sequence for i in range(len(sequence)): if sequence[i] == 'A': polymer = reaction.RunReactants((polymer, A))[0][0] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) A_count+=1 elif sequence[i] == 'B': polymer = reaction.RunReactants((polymer, B))[0][0] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) B_count+=1 # Calculate the percentage composition of each monomer A_ratio = round((A_count/len(sequence))*100,2) B_ratio = round((B_count/len(sequence))*100,2) # Remove the iodine blocker polymer = Chem.ReplaceSubstructs(polymer, Chem.MolFromSmarts('OC(=O)I'), Chem.MolFromSmarts('[O]'))[0] Chem.SanitizeMol(polymer) return polymer, A_ratio, B_ratio
[docs] def PDI(chains): """ Calculates the Polydispersity Index (PDI), number-average molecular weight (Mn), and weight-average molecular weight (Mw) of a list of chains. This function takes a list of molecular chains and calculates the PDI, which is the ratio of Mw to Mn. It also calculates Mn, which is the sum of the molecular weights of the chains divided by the number of chains, and Mw, which is the sum of the product of the weight fraction and molecular weight of each chain. Parameters ---------- chains : list A list of molecular chains. Each chain is represented as an RDKit molecule object. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the following elements: - PDI (float): The Polydispersity Index, which is the ratio of Mw to Mn. - Mn (float): The number-average molecular weight. - Mw (float): The weight-average molecular weight. """ # Calculate the molecular weights of the chains mw_list = [ExactMolWt(chain) for chain in chains] list = [round(mass) for mass in mw_list] Mi = set(list) NiMi = [] # Calculate the weight fraction of each chain for i in Mi: Ni = list.count(i) NiMi.append(i*Ni) sigNiMi = sum(NiMi) Mn = sigNiMi/len(mw_list) wf = [z/sigNiMi for z in NiMi] # Calculate the weight-average molecular weight WiMi = [wf[n]*NiMi[n] for n in range(len(wf))] Mw = sum(WiMi) # Calculate the polydispersity index PDI = Mw/Mn return PDI, Mn, Mw
[docs] def blockiness_gen(sequence): """ Calculate the blockiness and average block length of a co-polymer sequence. This function calculates the blockiness of a co-polymer sequence by counting the occurrences of 'BB' and 'BA' or 'AB' in the sequence. It also calculates the average block length of 'A' and 'B' monomers in the sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence : str A string representing the co-polymer sequence. 'A' represents one type of monomer and 'B' represents another type. Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the following elements: - blockiness (float): The blockiness of the co-polymer sequence. Calculated as the ratio of 'BB' to 'BA' or 'AB'. - block_length_A (float): The average block length of 'A' in the sequence. - block_length_B (float): The average block length of 'B' in the sequence. Notes ----- If the sequence does not contain both 'A' and 'B', the function returns a string indicating that the molecule is not a co-polymer. """ if 'A' in sequence and 'B' in sequence: #Check if sequence is a co-polymer AB = sequence.count('AB') BB = sequence.count('BB') BA = sequence.count('BA') AA = sequence.count('AA') if 'BA' in sequence: blockiness = BB/BA else: blockiness = BB/AB #Calculate block length B block_list_B = [x for x in sequence.split('A') if x!=''] block_length_B = mean([len(b) for b in block_list_B]) #Calculate block length A block_list_A = [x for x in sequence.split('B') if x!=''] block_length_A = mean([len(b) for b in block_list_A]) return blockiness, block_length_B, block_length_A else: return 'Molecule is not a co-polymer, no blockiness calculation performed', 0, len(sequence)
[docs] def calculate_box_components(chains, monomers, sequence, salt_concentration = 0.0 * unit.mole / unit.liter, residual_monomer = 0.00, solvated=True): """ Calculates the components required to construct a simulation box for a given set of molecular chains. This function determines the quantity of each molecule type required, considering the salt concentration and residual monomer concentration. It is adapted from the OpenFF Toolkit Packmol wrapper's solvate_topology function. Parameters: ----------- chains : list A list of molecular chains to be included in the simulation box. sequence : str A string representing the sequence of the molecular chains. 'G' and 'L' represent different types of monomers. salt_concentration : float, optional The desired salt concentration in the simulation box. Defaults to 0 M. residual_monomer : float, optional The desired residual monomer concentration in the simulation box. Defaults to 0.00%. solvated : bool, optional Indicates whether the system contains water. Defaults to False. Returns: -------- tuple A tuple containing the following elements: - molecules (list): A list of molecules to be included in the simulation box. - number_of_copies (list): A list indicating the quantity of each molecule to be included in the simulation box. - topology (openff.toolkit.topology.Topology): The topology of the simulation box. - box_vectors (numpy.ndarray): The vectors defining the dimensions of the simulation box. Notes: ------ This function is adapted from the OpenFF Toolkit Packmol wrapper's solvate_topology function. """ from openff.toolkit.topology import Molecule, Topology from openff.interchange.components._packmol import UNIT_CUBE, pack_box, RHOMBIC_DODECAHEDRON, solvate_topology from openff.interchange.components._packmol import _max_dist_between_points, _compute_brick_from_box_vectors, _center_topology_at import warnings if not solvated and len(chains) < 15: warnings.warn('Residual monomer calculation may not be accurate for small systems. Please check the output by querying the value of residual_monomer_actual') #Create molecules for the purpose of mass calculation #Water water = Molecule.from_smiles('O') water.generate_unique_atom_names() water.generate_conformers() water_mass = sum([atom.mass for atom in water.atoms]) #Sodium na = Molecule.from_smiles('[Na+]') na.generate_unique_atom_names() na.generate_conformers() #Chloride cl = Molecule.from_smiles('[Cl-]') cl.generate_unique_atom_names() cl.generate_conformers() nacl_mass = sum([atom.mass for atom in na.atoms]) + sum( [atom.mass for atom in cl.atoms],) # Create a topology from the chains topology = Topology.from_molecules(chains) nacl_conc=salt_concentration padding= 0.1 * unit.nanometer box_shape= UNIT_CUBE target_density= 1.0 * unit.gram / unit.milliliter # Compute box vectors from the solute length and requested padding if chains[0].n_conformers == 0: raise ValueError("The solvate_topology function requires that the solute has at least one conformer.") solute_length = max(_max_dist_between_points(chains[i].to_topology().get_positions()) for i in range(len(chains))) image_distance = solute_length + padding * 2 box_vectors = box_shape * image_distance # Compute target masses of solvent box_volume = np.linalg.det(box_vectors.m) * box_vectors.u**3 target_mass = box_volume * target_density solvent_mass = target_mass - sum(sum([atom.mass for atom in molecule.atoms]) for molecule in topology.molecules) # Compute the number of NaCl to add from the mass and concentration nacl_mass_fraction = (nacl_conc * nacl_mass) / (55.5 * unit.mole / unit.liter * water_mass) nacl_to_add = ((solvent_mass * nacl_mass_fraction) / nacl_mass).m_as(unit.dimensionless).round() if solvated: water_to_add = int(round((solvent_mass - nacl_mass) / water_mass).m_as(unit.dimensionless).round()) else: water_to_add = 0 # Neutralise the system by adding and removing salt solute_charge = sum([molecule.total_charge for molecule in topology.molecules]) na_to_add = int(round(np.ceil(nacl_to_add - solute_charge.m / 2.0))) cl_to_add = int(round(np.floor(nacl_to_add + solute_charge.m / 2.0))) rolling_mass=0 for m in topology.molecules: rolling_mass += sum(atom.mass for atom in m.atoms) rolling_mass += nacl_mass * nacl_to_add if solvated: rolling_mass += water_mass * water_to_add # residual monomer to add mass_to_add = (rolling_mass.magnitude/100-residual_monomer) * residual_monomer if 'A' in sequence and 'B' in sequence: A_rd = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers[0]) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName('A' + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in A_rd.GetAtoms()] A = Molecule.from_rdkit(A_rd) A_mass = sum([atom.mass for atom in A.atoms]) B_rd = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers[0]) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName('B' + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in B_rd.GetAtoms()] B = Molecule.from_rdkit(B_rd) B_mass = sum([atom.mass for atom in B.atoms]) for r in range(0,100): if (r * A_mass.magnitude) + (r * B_mass.magnitude) <= mass_to_add: A_to_add = r B_to_add = r else: break residual_monomer_actual = ((A_to_add * A_mass.magnitude + B_to_add * B_mass.magnitude) / rolling_mass.magnitude) *100 molecules = [water, na, cl, A, B] number_of_copies=[water_to_add, na_to_add, cl_to_add, A_to_add, B_to_add] elif 'A' in sequence and 'B' not in sequence: A_rd = Chem.MolFromSmiles(monomers[0]) info = Chem.AtomPDBResidueInfo() info.SetResidueName('A' + str(1)) info.SetResidueNumber(1) [atom.SetMonomerInfo(info) for atom in A_rd.GetAtoms()] A = Molecule.from_rdkit(A_rd) A_mass = sum([atom.mass for atom in A.atoms]) B = Molecule.from_smiles('C') for r in range(0,100): if r * A_mass.magnitude <= mass_to_add: A_to_add = r else: break B_to_add = 0 residual_monomer_actual = ((A_to_add * A_mass.magnitude) / rolling_mass.magnitude) * 100 molecules = [water, na, cl, A, B] number_of_copies=[water_to_add, na_to_add, cl_to_add, A_to_add, B_to_add] return molecules, number_of_copies, topology, box_vectors, residual_monomer_actual
#Class object for generic polymer system
[docs] class polymer_system: from openeye import oechem from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import RDKitToolkitWrapper, OpenEyeToolkitWrapper from functools import reduce from statistics import mean from rdkit.Chem.Descriptors import ExactMolWt from openff.interchange import Interchange from openff.interchange.components._packmol import UNIT_CUBE, pack_box from import build_polymer, PDI, blockiness_gen, calculate_box_components from openff.units import unit from rdkit.Chem import AllChem import numpy as np
[docs] def __init__(self, monomer_list, reaction, length_target, num_chains, terminals='standard', perc_A_target=100, blockiness_target=1.0, copolymer=False, acceptance = 10): """ Initialize the polymer system and build the polymer chains. **Parameters:** ------------ monomer_list (list): List of monomers to be used in the polymerization. reaction (str): The type of reaction to be used for polymerization. length_target (float): The target length of the polymer chains. num_chains (int): The number of polymer chains to be generated. terminals (str, optional): The type of terminal groups to be used. Default is 'standard'. perc_A_target (float, optional): The target percentage of monomer A in the copolymer. Default is 100. blockiness_target (float, optional): The target blockiness of the copolymer. Default is 1.0. copolymer (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if the system is a copolymer. Default is False. acceptance = % deviation of blockiness and A percentage from target values. Default is 10% **Attributes:** --------------- length_target (float): The target length of the polymer chains. terminals (str): The type of terminal groups used. blockiness_target (float): The target blockiness of the copolymer. A_target (float): The target percentage of monomer A in the copolymer. chains (list): List of polymer chains as OpenFF Molecule objects. chain_rdkit (list): List of polymer chains as RDKit molecule objects. lengths (list): List of lengths of the polymer chains. perc_A_actual (list): List of actual percentages of monomer A in the polymer chains. B_block_length (float): The average block length of monomer B in the copolymer. A_block_length (float): The average block length of monomer A in the copolymer. blockiness_list (list): List of blockiness values for the polymer chains. mean_blockiness (float): The mean blockiness of the polymer chains. mol_weight_average (float): The average molecular weight of the polymer chains. PDI (float): The polydispersity index of the polymer chains. Mn (float): The number-average molecular weight of the polymer chains. Mw (float): The weight-average molecular weight of the polymer chains. num_chains (int): The number of polymer chains generated. length_average (float): The average length of the polymer chains. min_length (float): The minimum length of the polymer chains. max_length (float): The maximum length of the polymer chains. """ self.length_target = length_target self.terminals = terminals perc_A_actual = [] if copolymer==True: self.blockiness_target = blockiness_target self.A_target = perc_A_target def spec(sequence, blockiness): #Define limits of A percentage and blockiness from input acceptance_dec = acceptance/100 actual_A = (sequence.count('A')/len(sequence))*100 blockiness = blockiness_gen(sequence)[0] return actual_A > perc_A_target*(1-acceptance_dec) and actual_A < perc_A_target*(1+acceptance_dec) and blockiness>blockiness_target*(1-acceptance_dec) and blockiness<blockiness_target*(1+acceptance_dec) blockiness_list = [] out_of_spec = 0 BBL = [] ABL = [] chains = [] chains_rdkit = [] lengths = [] self.monomers = [mono.replace("[I]", "") for mono in monomer_list] #First round of building - copolymer if copolymer==True: for n in range(num_chains): length_actual = np.random.normal(length_target, 0.5) sequence = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, np.random.choice(['A', 'B'], size=(int(length_actual),), p=[perc_A_target/100,1-(perc_A_target/100)])) blockiness = blockiness_gen(sequence)[0] if spec(sequence, blockiness)==True: pol = build_polymer(sequence=sequence, monomer_list = monomer_list, reaction = reaction, terminal=terminals, chain_num=n+1) lengths.append(int(length_actual)) chains_rdkit.append(pol) chain = Molecule.from_rdkit(pol) chains.append(chain) perc_A_actual.append((sequence.count('A')/len(sequence))*100) blockiness_list.append(blockiness) BBL.append(blockiness_gen(sequence)[1]) ABL.append(blockiness_gen(sequence)[2]) else: out_of_spec +=1 #Second round of building while out_of_spec >0: length_actual = np.random.normal(length_target, 0.5) sequence = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, np.random.choice(['A', 'B'], size=(int(length_actual),), p=[perc_A_target/100,1-(perc_A_target/100)])) blockiness = blockiness_gen(sequence)[0] if spec(sequence, blockiness)==True: pol = build_polymer(sequence=sequence, monomer_list = monomer_list, reaction = reaction, terminal=terminals, chain_num=n+1) lengths.append(int(length_actual)) chains_rdkit.append(pol) chain = Molecule.from_rdkit(pol) chains.append(chain) perc_A_actual.append((sequence.count('A')/len(sequence))*100) blockiness_list.append(blockiness) BBL.append(blockiness_gen(sequence)[1]) ABL.append(blockiness_gen(sequence)[2]) out_of_spec-=1 self.B_block_length = mean(BBL) self.A_block_length = mean(ABL) self.blockiness_list = blockiness_list self.mean_blockiness = mean(blockiness_list) self.perc_A_actual = perc_A_actual self.A_actual = mean(perc_A_actual) else: for n in range(num_chains): length_actual = np.random.normal(length_target, 0.5) sequence = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, np.random.choice(['A', 'B'], size=(int(length_actual),), p=[perc_A_target/100,1-(perc_A_target/100)])) pol = build_polymer(sequence=sequence, monomer_list = monomer_list, reaction = reaction, terminal=terminals, chain_num=n+1) lengths.append(int(length_actual)) chains_rdkit.append(pol) chain = Molecule.from_rdkit(pol) chains.append(chain) perc_A_actual.append((sequence.count('A')/len(sequence))*100) self.sequence = sequence self.chains = chains for i in range(len(self.chains)): self.chains[i].name = 'chain' + str(i+1) self.chain_rdkit = chains_rdkit self.mol_weight_average = round(mean([ExactMolWt(c) for c in chains_rdkit]),2) self.PDI, self.Mn, self.Mw = PDI(chains_rdkit) self.num_chains = len(chains) self.A_actual = mean(perc_A_actual) self.perc_A_actual = perc_A_actual self.length_average = mean(lengths) self.lengths = lengths self.min_length = min(lengths) self.max_length = max(lengths) print('System built!, size =', self.num_chains)
[docs] def generate_conformers(self): """ Generate conformers for each polymer chain in the system. This method uses the OpenFF toolkit OpenEye Wrapper to generate conformers for each polymer chain in the system. It first checks if the OpenEye toolkit is licensed and available. If it is, it uses the OpenEyeToolkitWrapper to generate conformers. Otherwise, it falls back to using the RDKitToolkitWrapper. Each chain is processed to generate a single conformer, and unique atom names are assigned to each chain. Raises ------ ImportError If neither RDKit nor OpenEye toolkits are available. """ from openff.toolkit.utils.toolkits import RDKitToolkitWrapper, OpenEyeToolkitWrapper # Generate conformers using OpenFF toolkit wrapper for chain in self.chains: num = self.chains.index(chain) if oechem.OEChemIsLicensed(): object = OpenEyeToolkitWrapper() else: object = RDKitToolkitWrapper() object.generate_conformers(molecule=chain, n_conformers=1) chain.generate_unique_atom_names() self.chains[num] = chain
[docs] def charge_system(self, charge_scheme): """ Assign partial charges to each polymer chain in the system. This method uses one of AM1-BCC, Espaloma, or OpenFF NAGL to assign partial charges to each polymer chain in the system. It iterates over each chain in the `self.chains` list and assigns partial charges to the chain. Parameters ---------- charge_scheme : str The charge assignment scheme to use. Options are 'AM1_BCC', 'espaloma', or 'NAGL'. Raises ------ ImportError If the selected toolkit is not available. """ from swiftpol.parameterize import charge_openff_polymer for chain in self.chains: chain.partial_charges = charge_openff_polymer(chain, charge_scheme)